Tutorial software for GU-3000, GU-7000 and GU-D series [GUD-10K]


Latest version

GUD-10K Ver 3.30.6s (2020-07-07)


Major changes and downloads of past versions

  • 2020-07-07

    Code signing update

  • 2017-10-17

    A tab for new item has been added.

  • 2015-07-27

    A tab for GU-D series has been added.

  • 2012-08-27

    First released

Tutorial software for GU-3000, GU-7000 and GU-D series

GUD-10K is Windows(R) based software used to evaluate Noritake Itron VFD. GUD-10K can record your action and save the commands in C and/or Assembly programming languages, Hexadecimal, text, and in GUD-10K native format.


How to use

  • Run downloaded file to install.
  • Click OK button if you see "Port cannot be opend" at first time.
  • Connect to PC, and power on to display module.
  • Select item number, set interface setting and port number, and click ON button
  • If you see to change to "ON LINE" from "OFF LINE", you can use it.
  • Please look a attached documentation after.

System Requirements

Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP, Windows 7(R), Windows 8(R) or Windows 10(R)

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